
Indeed, a sustainable future for all, is no light matter. It is our biggest concern and will most certainly continue to be so. And Elfa's ambitions are high. We have taken it up on ourselves to have a positive impact on people, society and planet. These are not just empty words. We take action, and this is how.

People positive

We are constantly pressing for fair, healthy, and safe workplaces for Elfa’s employees, as well as for employees at suppliers and partners.

We do it, for instance by:

  • Striving to maintain highest standards of health and safety of employees
  • Embracing diversity and equality
  • Zero-tolerance policy regarding all forms of offensive treatment, harassment and discrimination
  • Ensuring compliance with Elfa’s Code of Conduct

Society positive

We take great pride in being an accountable societal actor, contributing to fair trade, supporting human rights and encouraging sustainable consumption.

We do it, for instance by: 

  • Conducting our business in line with the UN Global Compact
  • Raising awareness and motivating people to move towards a more sustainable lifestyle
  • Making donations to UNICEF and Ronald MacDonald Houses
  • Protecting and promoting fair competition and fair dealing

Planet positive

Elfa is strongly committed to take action for the environment and climate.

For this, we are 

  • Aligning with the Paris Agreement. We are specifically conducting lifecycle analysis and calculating our carbon footprint. By this we are able to reduce the climate impact at all stages in our products' lifecycle
  • Enabling circularity by developing products durable to last a lifetime, easy to modify, reuse and recycle
  • Having an environmental management system in place at our manufacturing sites

Elfa and the UN Sustainable Development Goals

With the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the global community is addressing the most pressing challenges of our time. As proof of Elfa’s commitment to shoulder our share of the global responsibility, Elfa is a signatory to the UN Global Compact. Accordingly, the ten principles of the UN Global Compact are integrated into our business strategy, policies, and procedures. 

Signing the UN Global Compact also carries a promise to actively drive awareness and action in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. And this we do every day, with a particular focus on the three goals that we can impact more: Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) and Peace justice and strong institutions (SDG16).

Society Positive

At Elfa we aspire to have a positive impact on the society. It’s about our role as a signatory to the UN Global Compact and be an accountable societal actor, contributing to fair trade, supporting human rights and encouraging sustainable consumption. 

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Respecting human rights 

Our respect for human rights is founded within one of our core values, being humane. It stands for our firm belief in humane values and our appreciation of our differences. We respect each other. We protect and promote equal value and the rights of all people.

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Making charity donations

Undisputedly, children have a right to survive, thrive and fulfil their potential – to the benefit of a better world. Regrettably, these self-evident and essential children’s rights are in reality not always respected. To fight this unjust, Elfa makes every year a contribution to support UNICEF in their ever so important work on promoting and defending children’s rights. The donation is not ear-marked to a specific project. Instead, we let UNICEF decide how to use these funds. In February, 2022, Elfa made an additional donation to UNICEF to support their work protecting and promoting the rights of the children in Ukraine.

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Moving towards a more sustainable lifestyle

It’s a huge responsibility. Taking control over our consumption patterns and moving towards living a sustainable life. Where do we start? What are the right things to do? In one way or another, we all need to do our part. But most of us still ask ourselves how to. Still, moving towards a more sustainable lifestyle is possible. Here are a few tips from Christine Dalman, Storage expert, on sustainable habits to add to your everyday life.

Opt for timeless Design

  • Choose products of high quality, and which are designed to last a lifetime, both as regards aesthetics and usage.
  • When it comes to storage solutions, opt for a solution that can carry your beloved belongings throughout life, hence one that can easily be rearranged and expanded on. You shouldn’t have to buy an entirely new storage solution when your needs or likings change or when you simply prefer a new interior style in your home.
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Support circularity

  • Make sure your things stay in-use for as long as possible. The longer, the better. 
  •  Make it easy on yourself to bring a circular economy into your life. For instance, furnish your home so as to make it easy to get that reviving, revamping, and repairing done. Why not create a little sewing studio? And, have a dedicated space for clothes and things to donate, sell or swap with friends.
  •  And finally, make it a habit to, once in a while, go through and sort out the clothes that you could give away or sell.
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Think longevity

  • Take care of your garments. After all, it is us who need to start seeing clothes as pieces for life, rather than styles to wear just a handful of times.
  • Giving your clothing good aeration, space between hangers, and drawers that aren’t stuffed to the brim can help avoid wear and tear of your clothing.
  • Footwear needs to be properly cared for too. Keep your favorite pairs of shoes looking their best with boot shapers, and store them on shelves and racks instead of in a pile on the floor.

Reporting a concern

Elfa is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, integrity and accountability. We take every effort to avoid any improprieties that may result in serious consequences for the company or its employees. However, despite all these efforts malpractice in any part of the business may occur.

 Elfa is therefore providing its employees, business partners and third parties with a reporting channel,, which should be used to report serious improprieties within the company, for example accountancy crimes or bribery crimes.

You may also report a concern by calling, 800-1777-9999, or by writing to Elfa Ethics Council,

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