Förråd med Garage+ förvaring från Elfa med trådhyllor, förvaringstavla och backar där det förvaras korgar och krukor.

Gliding frame W: 60 D: 52 Matte grey

Recommended price


Upgrade your storage with Garage+ gliding frame. Includes full-extension and soft-close features.  No tools required – just click it between two brackets. The frame also includes a composite trim made from a unique durable composite mix, adding a natural, yet heavy-duty, look to your gliding frame. Combine the gliding frame with mesh baskets of your choice.

  • A unique full-extension and soft-close drawer frame for easy access and a gentle touch.
  • Tool-free setup by clicking between Garage+ brackets.
  • Possible to combine with Garage+ mesh drawers available in two heights.


Needs To Have

Bracket D: 52 Matte grey

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Nice To Have

Shallow mesh drawer W: 60 D: 52 Matte grey

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Deep mesh drawer W: 60 D: 52 Matte grey

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