Smart solutions for teen room

Meet the Aune Westrum family! At long last their new home is ready. From drawing the initial plans to actually moving in has taken some time. Prepare yourselves though! What a feast for the eyes it is! Cheerful colours, exciting features and personal solutions all through. It is also apparent that functional storage solutions are important for this family. They started planning the storage setup for their new home long before construction began. Let’s go in and take a look!

Turning into a teenager

Ingrid and Vidar Aune Westrum have two sons Sivert (7) and Peder (3) and a cat called Madicken. Although they are moving into a completely new house, this enterprising couple have long had an interest and passion for interior design. For many years now they have been posting and sharing colourful moments and creative DIY projects on the @fjeldborg Instagram account from their Fjeldborg home, a charming timber house built in 1925. But they decided after many years in an old house that they wanted to realise their dream of building something new. Starting from scratch and choosing every single detail themselves. They call their new home Fjeldborg 2.0 and it sits majestically on a rocky outcrop with a scenic vista of the Sandefjord archipelago.

Turning into a teenager

Most parents will tell you it is difficult to keep children’s rooms neat and tidy. Haven’t we all, at some time or other, raked up clothes, toys, books and various bits and pieces that we can’t even identify and tossed them all into a box or drawer? We could do with a system for putting away all the toys we have in our homes when the children are small. Then before we know it, they’re turning into teenagers. The toys lose their appeal, board games are stacked up gathering dust and their rooms need to accommodate new interests. Most parents will tell you it is difficult to keep children’s rooms neat and tidy. Haven’t we all, at some time or other, raked up clothes, toys, books and various bits and pieces that we can’t even identify and tossed them all into a box or drawer? We could do with a system for putting away all the toys we have in our homes when the children are small. Then before we know it, they’re turning into teenagers. The toys lose their appeal, board games are stacked up gathering dust and their rooms need to accommodate new interests. “Leon will soon be a teenager and wants a room where he can spend time hanging out with friends and with space for gaming. I need some help to find cool, practical solutions to maximise the space in his room,” says Kathrine.

Mirror doors created more space

The previous wardrobe was impractical. It is difficult to keep high, deep shelves neat and tidy. Piles of clothes topple over and quickly become a chaotic jumble. The top of the wardrobe simply collects dust and is a dead area that serves no useful purpose. So it was replaced with a brand-new, made-to-measure wardrobe with sliding doors on the wall at the foot end of the bed. With sliding doors from floor to ceiling, there is no dead space and the mirror doors make the room feel more spacious. They are also great for checking hair and clothes before stepping out the door.

The new wardrobe is only one metre wide but has much more space than the old one. There are two 45-cm-wide sections inside the wardrobe. One is fitted with gliding mesh drawers and shelves, and the other with shelves and rails for hanging clothes at different heights. This system allows Kathrine to make modifications as Leon grows or needs other interior solutions.

Clear visions

When we met Ingrid and Vidar for the first time, their house was just a drawing on a sheet of paper. But even at that early stage they wanted to start planning the storage solutions. After living in a house with a mix of improvised storage spaces, chests of drawers and wardrobes they were determined to give top priority to practical and strategically placed storage solutions.

Customised desk for homework and gaming

The most important feature in the new teen room was a place for gaming and homework. Leon was given a desk setup with shelves for game consoles and gaming equipment. The hook rack on the end provides a handy place to hang school bags and headphones. The aim was to optimise space usage and allow as much freedom to move as possible.

We wanted to make good use of every space available in Leon’s room, including the wall behind the door. The front door and entrance of the house are just outside Leon’s bedroom door. So a mini wardrobe was installed behind the door inside his room where he can hang his footwear and jackets rather than in the hallway with his mum’s things. Open shelves for shoes and caps, and hooks for jackets and rucksacks. And he can inspect himself in the new mirrors to make sure he looks just right!

The metal shelves are easy to mount using integrated brackets and are reversible for use with the small edge turned either up or down. They are ideal for footwear as they are easy to clean and move. 

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