Shelf portrait with CMMN SWDN. Shelf portrait with CMMN SWDN.


The couple who exude their brand in everything they do. Meet the urban design duo behind CMMN SWDN whose creative expression is both contemporary, timeless and inspiring. CMMN SWDN offers menswear with playful elements of feminine attributes in both colour choices and texture and sophisticated style clashes that make the pieces interesting.

Text Charlotta Flinkenberg    Photo Lina Arvidsson 

Emma and Saif by a Décor+ by Elfa wardrobe in white and birch.


The design duo behind CMMN SWDN

Name: Emma Bakir Hedlund and Saif Bakir 

Live: Spacious 1920s apartment in Malmö with their two boys aged three and five. Their studio is also a stone’s throw from their home

Profession: Founders of fashion company CMMN SWDN

Emma and Saif are sketching clothing for CMMN SWDN.

Something different on the Swedish fashion scene

When designing your collections, where do you find inspiration?

"Our inspiration comes from a mix of international influences and a constant dialogue with the times. We are deeply influenced by art, culture, current political issues, urban environments and the changing current trends. Our collections are personal and reflective, with references that move between local and global."

Quality and sustainability are the design duo’s keywords in the work process. They share a creative interaction with shifting focus and complement each other’s skills nicely.

"Emma is good at colour and materials and dares to include unexpected elements in a men’s collection. I’m more traditionally educated with the masculine silhouette."

A pink blazer hangs in a Décor+ by Elfa wardrobe.

"The mix of us two is what creates our DNA," says Emma.

"We are drawn to pushing the boundaries of what is perceived as typical men’s clothing and like a more fluid definition that flirts with both the masculine and the feminine. Men wearing long skirts is nothing new, and in many cultures it was more common in the past for the man to be the most decorated," says Saif and continues: 

"It was important for us to create something different on the Swedish fashion scene, away from the strict, navy blue and uniform-like menswear. Even today, our ambition is not to choose conventional base colours such as black, but to choose a base consisting of earthy tones, but also playing with contrasting accent colours." 

Details from the studio.

You both worked with Kanye West’s fashion label for a while, is he as eccentric as people think?

"He wasn't manic at the time. This was the beginning of his fashion career, he was at my school in London looking for designers."

Emma moved to Paris where the controversial music producer and fashion designer managed the label. Suddenly, a men’s designer was needed and Emma brought in Saif as creative lead.

Knitted sweater in a Décor+ by Elfa wardrobe.

"It was the first time I and Saif worked together. Of course, it was a lot of work and very educational. We learned everything about the startup part, how to put together a team and build a studio from scratch. This period and experience triggered me and Saif to want to start our own brand," says Emma.

"It was a crazy time with a lot of celebrities and people moving about. You had no idea who you would meet in the office the next day! Fortunately, this was before social media existed," Saif laughs.

Malmö has always had a special place in our hearts. It’s a city where diversity and creativity really thrive.

Take a peak inside CMMN SWDN’s creative studio​

The dining room in Emma and Saif’s home, with tall windows and tables and chairs in solid wood.

Charming, eclectic and a flirtation with shaker

The couple’s aesthetic preferences in terms of interior design are reminiscent of the design expression when they design their clothing. In the Malmö apartment, an earthy palette of cinnamon brown, ochre and saffron meets neutral beige tones. Organic elements and round shapes are mixed with strict, straight lines. The interior design is a flirtation with the American shaker style, which is combined with Scandinavian classics.

Candlestick on top of a magazine. Candlestick on top of a magazine.

The study in Emma and Saif’s home with a desk in solid wood. The study in Emma and Saif’s home with a desk in solid wood.

The apartment is a mix of vintage and modern. By buying furniture at auction, Saif and Emma have given their home a nice, personal feel. The combination of different woods, both light and dark, runs like a common thread throughout the interior design. In the study, three different style eras come together without competing with each other in any way.

Bookshelf at Emma and Saif’s home with books and ornaments. Bookshelf at Emma and Saif’s home with books and ornaments.

Living room with a white fabric sofa, stone coffee table and a pink plastic chair.

"For us, it’s important that the interior design has personality," says Saif. No generic purchases that breathe mass consumption, in other words.

"Almost everything in our home is bought at auction. The apartment is from the 1920s, and we are looking for furniture that reflects the same era, mixed with some contemporary, modern purchases for the dynamic mix," says Emma. 

Clothing from CMMN SWDN in a Décor+ by Elfa wardrobe in white.

Practical and aesthetic appeal

"We strive to create garments that are timeless and have a long lifespan. With that comes the importance of caring for your clothes. This includes ensuring that clothes are folded or hung correctly, but also that the wardrobe is planned so that the garments have the space they need to breathe and stay fresh."

Both at home and in the studio, Emma and Saif have chosen to install Décor+.

"In the studio, the system works both as practical storage and as a display of the latest collection," says Saif.

"The lighting adds an extra dimension to the presentation of the garments, and we think the storage system works really well," says Emma.

By designing timeless clothing that can be reused and combined, we want to contribute to a more sustainable fashion world.

Décor+ by Elfa wardrobe in white in the office of CMMN SWDN. Décor+ by Elfa wardrobe in white in the office of CMMN SWDN.

Hanging clothing in a Décor+ by Elfa wardrobe in white with pull-out drawers.

 Luxurious, elegant and practical

In both solutions, Emma and Saif have placed other elements besides clothing and accessories:

"Beautiful books, magazines and other artefacts such as posters and paintings are important for inspiration. We are creators and enjoy it when it looks nice and aesthetically pleasing," Emma explains.

"The combination of aesthetics and practicality is magic," says Saif and continues:

In the studio, we use the furniture as a display and are inspired by seeing our design hanging there. Décor+ feels luxurious and elegant.

The combination of aesthetics and practicality is magic.

Décor+ by Elfa wardrobe in white and birch, with hanging clothing, pant rack and pull-out drawers.

"Previously, I had never considered an open wardrobe solution as an option in my home. We’ve had traditional wardrobes that you close, but now I really notice a big difference, both in how it looks and how we can take care of our clothing more easily."

Saif is the more organised one in the household.

"That’s why I have the left side, closest to the wall in our open wardrobe solution at home… Parts of the curtain cover a large part of the interior if I don't keep things tidy," says Emma.

"Everyone benefits from being organised, which creates peace. We have a tranquil home in soft colours that we love, and our Décor storage becomes an important part of this tranquillity," Saif adds.

Décor+ by Elfa pant rack with trousers in brown and black. Décor+ by Elfa pant rack with trousers in brown and black.

Décor+ by Elfa in white with angled shelves and pull-out drawers. Décor+ by Elfa in white with angled shelves and pull-out drawers.

The garments can hang freely, which increases their lifespan. There are also plenty of shelves where the garments that need to be folded can be neatly stored. Hooks, drawer dividers and inserts provide a much better overview.​

Hanging clothing in a Décor+ by Elfa wardrobe with shelves in birch. Hanging clothing in a Décor+ by Elfa wardrobe with shelves in birch.

Clothing and accessories in a Décor+ by Elfa wardrobe in white and birch.

Dressed up even for everyday life

"It’s more fun to choose an outfit now. I get inspired by seeing the beautiful garments in the wardrobe and find them easier," says Emma.

The couple exudes a high minimalist level of aesthetics. You wonder if they ever walk around in piled slouch pants and are generally ugly…?

"Haha, no, you won't find piled slouch wear in our wardrobes," laughs Saif:

"I prefer my 'nice clothes' even when I’m at home. It’s part of feeling like yourself. When you create clothing that reflects your personal style, it’s natural to want to wear it all the time."


Emma and Saif in their study with a solid wooden desk. Emma and Saif in their study with a solid wooden desk.


Clothing and accessories in a Classic by Elfa wardrobe in white and birch. Clothing and accessories in a Classic by Elfa wardrobe in white and birch.

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